Joey Porter still doesn't know his name
He thinks it is "Al Davis".
Reports are our very own prima donna, @$$ clown Wide Receiver, "Joey" Porter, parked in Al Davis' spot next to the front door of Raiders HQ Wednesday.
Now, given Al Davis has health concerns, which limit his mobility to using a walker, this is akin to a snot-nosed teenager parking in a handicapped spot in front of Wally-Mart.
Add in the fact Mr. Davis signs the paychecks... remember Porter has worn his F-U shirt every day in practice... gotten thrown out of Coach Shell's office with the salutation, "Who the f^#k do you think you are?!?... notice none of the other players have anything to do with Joey as he sits on the Raider bench during the preseason (well, he only bothered to show up for the last one, actually)... and we're getting dangerously close to the conclusion Mr. Porter is defecating in the Raiders general direction.
Here is what Nancy Gay has to say on Joey's latest antics:

Who can we call to do the deed? How 'bout some wise guys who know a thing or two about knee caps and the way they are not supposed to bend...
We don't call Al "The Godfather" 'round here for nuttin'!
Joey, just in case you weren't paying attention, the grounds the Eagles used to suspend Terrell Owens for insubordination included "Owens continued to defy the Coach and the team by, for example, repeatedly violating the dress code and parking in coaches' spaces and in handicapped spots."
Just a suggestion, Mr. Porter, read the arbitration's ruling against Owens, which you can find here, then locate your head (here's a tip, you have inserted it into one of your body's orifices), then get with the program before you don't get paid.
Just a suggestion...
Reports are our very own prima donna, @$$ clown Wide Receiver, "Joey" Porter, parked in Al Davis' spot next to the front door of Raiders HQ Wednesday.
Now, given Al Davis has health concerns, which limit his mobility to using a walker, this is akin to a snot-nosed teenager parking in a handicapped spot in front of Wally-Mart.
Add in the fact Mr. Davis signs the paychecks... remember Porter has worn his F-U shirt every day in practice... gotten thrown out of Coach Shell's office with the salutation, "Who the f^#k do you think you are?!?... notice none of the other players have anything to do with Joey as he sits on the Raider bench during the preseason (well, he only bothered to show up for the last one, actually)... and we're getting dangerously close to the conclusion Mr. Porter is defecating in the Raiders general direction.
Here is what Nancy Gay has to say on Joey's latest antics:
For anyone still confused about whether WR Jerry Porter has improved his dark attitude around Raiders' headquarters, take note: The disgruntled former starter parked his vehicle in owner Al Davis' personal parking space on Wednesday, the space that's closest to the front door of the team facility. Nice statement. ...My guesstimation is Mr. Davis' response may be to get Porter on the non-football related injury list. If Porter gets busted up off the field, like Idiot of the Week, Discharger LB Steve Foley did, then he gets no cabbage for the season from Dah Raydahs.

Who can we call to do the deed? How 'bout some wise guys who know a thing or two about knee caps and the way they are not supposed to bend...
We don't call Al "The Godfather" 'round here for nuttin'!
Joey, just in case you weren't paying attention, the grounds the Eagles used to suspend Terrell Owens for insubordination included "Owens continued to defy the Coach and the team by, for example, repeatedly violating the dress code and parking in coaches' spaces and in handicapped spots."
Just a suggestion, Mr. Porter, read the arbitration's ruling against Owens, which you can find here, then locate your head (here's a tip, you have inserted it into one of your body's orifices), then get with the program before you don't get paid.
Just a suggestion...
You still dont know Porters name! Its JERRY not Joey. Joey is a godlike linebacker for the champs.
Anon 7:51 AM ~
Thank you for your concern on the appellation tip. No cause for alarm.
Ya think we might not know Jerry's name on purpose? Hmmm...
Whadda ya think this means, Clouseau?
I also know how to use apostrophes, dearest superfluous editor voice.
Wanna see it? Here it is.
To wit:
Porters with no apostrophe is plural, meaning there is more than one Porter.
Porter’s with an apostrophe is a singular possessive, meaning we are talking about something that belongs to one Porter, such as his name.
Porters’ is typically possessive and plural, meaning we are talking about something that belongs to more than one Porter; however, sometimes it is not plural and instead we are referring to a single person whose name is Porters and what belongs to this singular person.
I’m so glad we could spend this grammatical day together, but the time for School House Rock has now ended.
BTW, if you worship the real "Joey" Porter as a god, you might want to check into making a pilgrimage to the Squeeler Shrine for the Immaculately Deceived and get outta The Raider Way.
Just a suggestion...
Best wishes,
I just thought it was strange that a Steelers player would be parking in Al Davis's parking spot. Don't tell me that you wrote "Joey" on purpose, cause if you did, I don't really get it. By the way I wasn't correcting your punctuation, so relax. Apparently you might be a bit defensive.
by the way did you see in one of the articles about the Raiders that we traded "Bobby" Clark too? I was just trying to get the name right and you get all huffy about it.
I can''''t wait till'' Mundie.
Stick' em you need to post something on the subject of Moss's recent comments about something being "fishy" walking on "eggshells" etc...
WTF was that all about. I know I shouldn't be concerned because he is going to be fired up on Monday, but man, that is wierd and Im dying to know what he means. I guess he is just as mad as I am about getting rid of Doug. I thought that was a stupid totally unnecessary move that we will end up regretting this year as soon as Ron gets hurt again.
Sounds good to me Stick'em...
Fukk Joey!
Dear Mr. Late MG ~
Err... I've already mentioned this Jerry = Joey, accidentally on purpose thing several times prior to the present.
I am a patient man, but jeessh...
Here is one of the reminders, dated September 2nd (which if you check your calender, remains in the past tense). There are many other instances, but this one will do.
It says, verbatim, "Please don't bother to correct us on the spelling of 'Joey' Porter. It isn't a typo. Pouter will get respect when he deserves it 'round this way!"
Reading is fundamental.
Joey obviously read T.O.'s Guide to Being a Jackass for Dummies over the summer.
From showing of his abs, to demanding to be traded, to parking in spaces, to wearing clothes to practice that piss every one off...
And now to being benched.
What's next? Porter's gonna call his QB a 'fag'?
Jerry's gonna make his own popcorn and sell it for $35 a pound on his web site?
Jerry's gonna get bitch slapped by Hugh Douglas?
Maybe the right name for Jerry isn't Joey. Maybe it's Mini-TO?
Or Springer. He's a drama queen.
Or Pouter. Self explanatory.
Or how about just calling him BENCHED?
Stick'em: Love the photo of John Gotti strolling down the streets of N.Y. with his Raiders jacket. Classic!
I'm deeply distrubed by Pouter's lack of repect shown to Art Shell and Al Davis. I wish I had a constructive solution to this dilemma.
My best guess is the Raiders will be looking to trade Pouter once Curry demonstrates he is 100% healthy and another team's #2 receiver goes down. I believe the trade deadline is mid October.
CJ: The Gotti photo is reported to have been taken in '86 as Gotti was (allegedly) walking through Ozone Park with (alleged) mobster Anthony Guerrieri.
The Raider jackets were (allegedly) boosted in a heist (according to law enforcement officials, I ain't accusin' no body!).
Word is the whole crew was wearin' 'em for a while (allegedly).
Now, we all heard of the ganstas wearing Raider gear during the LA days - as in Bloods and Crips - but here we have proof the (alleged) gangsters of the world are Raider fans too - LOL!
What do you guys think of Moss's comments though. I love the guy but I dont like hearing that things are fishy in Alameda before the first game of the year. Maybey the players are having a hard time with this little known thing called acountability, I dont know. But what the hell is he talking about.
My apologies Stick em, I had not seen your earlier references to him as Joey, although I usually always read your stuff, I find it insightful and quite funny as well. Lets just call him Terry Pouter in the future in order to avoid the confusion.
MG - My take on Randy's "fishy" comment is the following;
1) The Gabriel trade troubles him but he is all about winning
2) As one of the leaders of the team he needs to be more careful with what he says
3) winning solves everything... No one cares about off the field distractions, injuries, crazy comments etc. as long as the team is winning.
Thank you Calico Jack, It makes me feel better that someone else has seen this report and feels the same way as I do on the subject. Disturbing as it may seem at first glance, this sort of thing is absolutely par for the course. We all have played football under circumstances that were less than Ideal and we came out with wins, and that is all anyone can ask for.
My only concern is that if the wins dont come, we may have a pretty serious implosion on our hands. For the sake of our players I pray that this is not the case. Lets stick with this team no matter what happens as long as they give everything they have.
Carpe Deim
There has to be a trade...Has to be. I'm equally disturbed by Moss' comments, but to be frank, he sounded stoned. Seriously.
I get the jerry/joey thing, stick 'em. I've been around a while. Deep breaths!
P.S. Is that Gotti, for real? How kick a$$
porter doesn't deserve cute nicknames like pouter or terry...let's just call him a stupid prick.
MG: Peace.
I just had my fill of emails "instructing" me that Jerry's actual name is not Joey. seems a lot of folks get goofy about it.
So, probably I just took the frustration out on ya. Nothing personal. No harm intended.
Just smiling, as always.
The deal is many newspeople refer to Jerry as "Joey", so many so that I'm now convinced it is not a coincidence.
The last newsperson I remember hearing do so was just a week ago on NFL Network.
His name is Rod Woodson.
Obviously Woodson is familiar with with both Porters (having been a Squeeler and Raider), so we can conclude Woodson called Jerry, "Joey" accidentally on purpose.
Anyway, call 'em anything you'd like.
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet."
~Willie S.
A turd by any other name still smells like a turd.
RE: Moss
Check out the newest entry, to be posted later today.
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