Whither the Offense
I must make a confession. This is the first season in which I have only watched the games once - live action. In previous seasons, after the live action I replayed the game film looking at specific players and plays to gain insight into what is going on with this team.
Now I am not a football professional, nor did I turn into one by staying at a Holiday Inn Express, but I can usually break down film well enough to see the big picture.
This season, I haven't watched the games a second or third time because it simply has been too painful to repeat after three consecutive seasons of Moe, Larry, and Curly n'yuck it up in Raider helmets. The big picture is clear as an unmuddied lake without having to wash my eyes out with Comet after maiming the DVD-R remote.
That said, there are plenty of places you can look these days to find the usual, tired "Tom Wash doesn't know offense and belongs back at the B&B" columns. This is not that place.
I will not be an apologist for Wash. After all this offense looks on the field as if Kerri Walsh might be its coach.
This offense is not the "Walsh" offense. The only coach named "Walsh" we remember for creating an offense is Bill Walsh, and his so-called "West Coast" offense. Make no mistake, this is the Sid Gillman offense we are supposed to be running.
Sid Gillman is a HOF coach and is credited with developing the vertical passing game. Gillman innovated this style on the West Coast in the '60s AFL days with the San Diego Chargers. It worked, as Gillman's teams won Division Titles five of the first six years of the AFL's existence.
What does this have to do with the Raiders in 2006, you ask? At Gillman's side in 1960 was a young Al Davis, one of the Chargers' offensive coaches. Davis learned his offense here. So when Art Shell says he will run the "Al Davis" offense in Oakland, what he means is he will run the Sid Gillman offense.

Will what worked in '60 work in '06? We don't know for certain if it will work with this Raider team in this age for one simple reason: We haven't seen it yet.
The fuddled mumble of an offense the Raiders have brought out in the first two games resembles nothing so much as a sad joke that no one finds funny. The players simply have not executed anything resembling an offense. Look at the bottom. Here you will find the Raiders. Last in yards gained by almost 100/game behind everyone else. Notice Chuck in Tampa is the next worst.
So what is this offense supposed to look like? When Al Davis says, "We take what we want, not what the defense gives us," he means we are going to run the ball to get the defense close to the line of scrimmage then throw it over their heads. No matter what. Gillman himself said, "The big play comes with the pass. God bless those runners because they get you the first down, give you ball control and keep your defense off the field. But if you want to ring the cash register, you have to pass."
Al Davis believes this and will till the day he unfortunately passes on. The problem is, in order to be able to dictate to the defense like Joseph Stalin on a Great Purge, you have to have one thing in place: an offensive line.
Without an O-line, there is no power running game. Verily, Lamont Jordan is last in the NFL in rushing yards per carry with less than two. Here it is. With out a running game, guess what? The defense doesn't watch passes go whizzing over its head like a Gillman blitzkrieg. Instead, it rushes the passer. This is the Achilles heel of the structure. No time to throw = no long bombs. No protection = game over. This season the Raiders are worst in the league in giving up sacks. See the sad truth here. Fifteen sacks is not going to keep this (or any) offense on the field.
The Gillman offense is predicated on finding receivers downfield. It eschews throwing to receivers - be they RBs, TEs, or WRs - at the line of scrimmage. The result? Jordan has ZERO receptions this season to date and the TE, Anderson, has but three. The TEs have dropped a few and we haven't seen anything vaguely resembling a screen pass yet.
The problem is this. The offensive line isn't opening holes or sustaining blocks. Until they do, nothing else matters. The young line is confused as to protection schemes and assignments. Walter is calling time out at the line of scrimmage because the clock is running out before they can get the plays and assignments together. The Gillman offense worked when HOFers like Shell, Upshaw, Otto, Wiz, and Brown were the linemen. It has not worked with Gallery, Sims, Grove, McQuistan, and Walker.
Verily, the O-line playing as one massive unit of road grading power and castle moat protection is the key to "Taking what we want." Without it, we can only give the defense what it wants.
Now is the time to execute. If the Al Davis/ Sid Gillman/ Tom Walsh offense shows up today against the Cleveland Clowns, we shall see whether it still works forty years after its inception.
My guess is that it does, when executed by competent professional football players. This remains a guess until it is actually run again by Oakland.
Until then, here is believing Oakland will clown Cleveland. Time for "Homey don't play that!" and hit 'em upside the head with a dirty sock.
Now I am not a football professional, nor did I turn into one by staying at a Holiday Inn Express, but I can usually break down film well enough to see the big picture.

That said, there are plenty of places you can look these days to find the usual, tired "Tom Wash doesn't know offense and belongs back at the B&B" columns. This is not that place.
I will not be an apologist for Wash. After all this offense looks on the field as if Kerri Walsh might be its coach.

This offense is not the "Walsh" offense. The only coach named "Walsh" we remember for creating an offense is Bill Walsh, and his so-called "West Coast" offense. Make no mistake, this is the Sid Gillman offense we are supposed to be running.
Sid Gillman is a HOF coach and is credited with developing the vertical passing game. Gillman innovated this style on the West Coast in the '60s AFL days with the San Diego Chargers. It worked, as Gillman's teams won Division Titles five of the first six years of the AFL's existence.
What does this have to do with the Raiders in 2006, you ask? At Gillman's side in 1960 was a young Al Davis, one of the Chargers' offensive coaches. Davis learned his offense here. So when Art Shell says he will run the "Al Davis" offense in Oakland, what he means is he will run the Sid Gillman offense.

Will what worked in '60 work in '06? We don't know for certain if it will work with this Raider team in this age for one simple reason: We haven't seen it yet.
The fuddled mumble of an offense the Raiders have brought out in the first two games resembles nothing so much as a sad joke that no one finds funny. The players simply have not executed anything resembling an offense. Look at the bottom. Here you will find the Raiders. Last in yards gained by almost 100/game behind everyone else. Notice Chuck in Tampa is the next worst.
So what is this offense supposed to look like? When Al Davis says, "We take what we want, not what the defense gives us," he means we are going to run the ball to get the defense close to the line of scrimmage then throw it over their heads. No matter what. Gillman himself said, "The big play comes with the pass. God bless those runners because they get you the first down, give you ball control and keep your defense off the field. But if you want to ring the cash register, you have to pass."
Al Davis believes this and will till the day he unfortunately passes on. The problem is, in order to be able to dictate to the defense like Joseph Stalin on a Great Purge, you have to have one thing in place: an offensive line.
Without an O-line, there is no power running game. Verily, Lamont Jordan is last in the NFL in rushing yards per carry with less than two. Here it is. With out a running game, guess what? The defense doesn't watch passes go whizzing over its head like a Gillman blitzkrieg. Instead, it rushes the passer. This is the Achilles heel of the structure. No time to throw = no long bombs. No protection = game over. This season the Raiders are worst in the league in giving up sacks. See the sad truth here. Fifteen sacks is not going to keep this (or any) offense on the field.
The Gillman offense is predicated on finding receivers downfield. It eschews throwing to receivers - be they RBs, TEs, or WRs - at the line of scrimmage. The result? Jordan has ZERO receptions this season to date and the TE, Anderson, has but three. The TEs have dropped a few and we haven't seen anything vaguely resembling a screen pass yet.
The problem is this. The offensive line isn't opening holes or sustaining blocks. Until they do, nothing else matters. The young line is confused as to protection schemes and assignments. Walter is calling time out at the line of scrimmage because the clock is running out before they can get the plays and assignments together. The Gillman offense worked when HOFers like Shell, Upshaw, Otto, Wiz, and Brown were the linemen. It has not worked with Gallery, Sims, Grove, McQuistan, and Walker.
Verily, the O-line playing as one massive unit of road grading power and castle moat protection is the key to "Taking what we want." Without it, we can only give the defense what it wants.
Now is the time to execute. If the Al Davis/ Sid Gillman/ Tom Walsh offense shows up today against the Cleveland Clowns, we shall see whether it still works forty years after its inception.

Until then, here is believing Oakland will clown Cleveland. Time for "Homey don't play that!" and hit 'em upside the head with a dirty sock.
Homey the Clown says ... "Our Special Teams coverage units were slippin' on bannana peels all day".
Like you Stick'em, I usually tape each game to break it down to get additional insight. I think I would rather stick a couple of chopsticks into my eyeballs than waste any time watching the tape.
I think the "Sid Gilliam" offense would shudder at a statline of single digit completions. Yikes.
Stick'em seems to be quite impressed with his rambling bumbling critique of the faidas, I can simplify the situation for him and the rest of the so called "faida nation". #1 Your leader (big al "mr. davis") hasn't got a friggin clue. #2 art shell(shocked) is just that in shock, he is soooo busy doodling on his clipboard that he can't see when the ref's actually did give them a bad mark. #3 walsh the BB manager should go back to what he knows better bed making. #4 O-line or lack there of, "mountain" mikey gallery couldn't block a powderpuff football player. #5 andthrew falter's passing and lack of ball handling assures him of the QB position for the faidas since their owner probably thinks he's doing very well. #6 aron"our miss" brooks and tuiawfulsoslow, being the powerful backups assure the faidas of a formidable offensive future. #7 the trick-o-treaten face paintin' costume wearin' fans that follow blindly like so many dumb animals will assure the team of a loyal base of financial security for years to come. Pat yourselves on the back, you are like a bunch of morons led by imbiciles, never questioning you team, you are LOYAL SILVER AND WHACK BLEEDING LIFERS. The faidas are whack, they're silver and black, we'll stick til the end cause we're......... not too bright. Next loss @ San Francisco 49ers. You'll get to watch this game on TV because the Niners were sold out from the start, you will have to listen to the rest of the faidas home games on the radio, this is the "faida broadcasting network" signing off, just cringe baby.
Anonymous 5:24 -
I love it when Raider Haters like yourself spew venom while hiding behind a shield of anonymity
which leads to my next question.
Who is your favorite professional football team?
I suspect your choice to be one of the following;
a) You don't have a favorite team or are too chicken $hit to declare one
b) Your favorite team changes depending on the weather or how the wind is blowing
c) Your favorite team was (past tense) the Raiders but now you have become a full-time Raider Hater.
d) None of the above. You actually don't really enjoy professional football. You just enjoy being a negative A$$ clown.
You make the mistake of taking a bunch of cheap shots at Stick'em, the Raiders, and the Raider Nation without any sense of perspective. Here is some insight that you blindly neglected to consider;
#1 - Anyone who has read Stick'em body of work over the years realizes the following;
(a) He is very knowledgeable about the Raiders history, professional football in general, and is very insightful.
(b) Stick'em writes with a good sense of humor and his glass half full but still objectively. In other words, he acknowledges the problems the team has had the past 3+ seasons.
#2 The Raiders have had 3 going on 4 dismal seasons. Anyone who has any clue about professional football history realizes that ALL of the teams in the NFL have had similar struggles including teams like the Steelers and Patriots. A perfect example of this cycle of success/non-success is "America's Team", the Dallas Cowboys. The Cowboys have not won a single playoff game since 1996.
(a) Don't try to discount the Raiders proud history and tradition
(b) The Raiders will be back on top again
#3 Don't try painting the Raider Nation with broad, ignorant brush strokes.
(a) The Raider Nation is comprised of a very diverse group of people in age, ethnicity, occupations etc. The majority of the Raider Nation are regular, hard working citizens who love and support the Raiders.
Finally, you try to disparage the Raider Nation by saying that we are a bunch of idiots for being loyal to our team. You have obviously chosen the path of being a fair weather fan or a Raider-Hater out of convenience which is a lot easier than actually standing for something and valuing loyalty as a character trait.
Calico Jack
P.S. If you have any balls you would declare who you are and answer the multiple question above.
Hey Anonymous, a.k.a 49ers fan, speaking of rambling and being impressed with oneself, you may have just set the record.
If you've got a point, I missed it, unless your point is that loyalty is a character flaw.
As for Raiders fans never questioning their team, it's painfully obvious that, in your race to be punny, you didn't even read Stick'Em's piece.
Dear Anon 5:24 ~
We are all quite certain the sell out crowd specifically bought seats to ogle your gold lamé clad Whiners bumbling around in their gender confused way like Siegfried and Roy just exiting the casting couch at the Village People tryouts having forgotten to bring the Astroglide in their Gucci purses.
However, the '69ers just put on a scintillating exhibition of unadulterated feminism in losing 41-0 to the Chiefs, which seriously undermines the credibility of any glittering pom poms you might shake in the traditionally girlish Terrell Owens way to which you have become accustomed.
Ya gotta come with something stronger than 1-3 before anyone is the least bit afraid of that gravitationally challenged thing
with the Prince Albert dangling there underneath your skirt, sunshine.
Get back to me the next time the Raiders actually pick BEFORE the '69ers on draft day and we'll chat over truffles and mimosas.
Anon 5:24 aka "The Mighty Karnac":
Keep puffing your chest out, looking into your crystal ball, sipping your acid laced red merlot, and nibbling on your cheese treats.
After all, your Whiners are an unstoppable juggernaut. You would think by your quote below that the Whiners are;
a) a team without any problems of their own
b) a team's whose performance the past 3 years is head and shouders above the Raiders
c) a team that is playoff bound
d) a team that didn't just get smoked 41-0
I got 2 words for you Mighty Karnac: Get Real.
The Mighty Karnac's quote:
"Get used to it schweigert, you have 13 more L's to go. The mighty Karnac has deemed it so! If I look deep into the crystal ball I can see some possibilities for improvement.....Alas it requires major changes to your hapless team. If you want to see any kind of light at the end of the long long tunnel you must dump the bedmaker, dump the clipboard holder, dump the mossman, dump the big sapp, and most importantly......PUT BIG AL IN A HOME, incommunicato, don't let him interfere any longer in a game that he no longer understands. And last but most importantly, DON'T ALLOW ANY MORON THAT WEARS CLOWNS COSTUMES, OR PIRATE OUTFITS, OR ANY UNUSUALLY IDIOTIC COSTUMERY THAT YOU WOULDN'T WANT YOUR CHILD TO WEAR EVEN ON HOLLOWEEN!The "faidas broadcasting network" signing off, just lose baby.
S.F. 49ers 49 > chokeland faidas 0."
Only a delusional Whiner fan would be talkin so much smack without a leg to stand on. Was there something you saw in KC last week or the past 3 seasons that makes you believe that your beloved Whiners aren't sitting in a pile of dung? If and when your Whiners win more than 4 games in a season, feel free to check back with us.
I liked the way the Cleveland game started. A defensive score, a long run for a TD, and a pass for touchdown. 21-3.
What I did not like is that Randy Moss caught one pass. This is a disgrace of unimaginable proportions, and I am on Moss's side on this one. This shall not be borne. Nobody can expect Randy Moss to take this kind of humiliating mistreatment. We know because we are all half-wit whack-jobs, just like Moss.
Lamont Jordan had a decent day: 3.6 yards per carry with the 59-yarder removed. Justin Fargas showed a moment of breakout rather than IR redundancy. Asomugha intercepted two passes. And the Raider coverage gave up 217 yards on kicks and punts. Where have you gone, Joe Avezzano?
I don't know, I am optimistic of a Raider win tomorrow. I see a team ready to break out, and they are not dressed in red and gold. I'll even go so far as to predict that the Raiders block a punt.
Tenacious P
Craig ~
Put some tinfoil on the rabbit ears, brother... your prediction was right on... except Manny Lawson went bananas (also as predicted here) and ReTard Lee (the Raiders sorry excuse for a blocking RB) missed 'em.
Blocked punt '69ers.
Hope Lechler beats ReTard like a rented mule in the locker room behind that one.
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