A Kick in the Groin

Here is visual proof that Tyler Brayton's act of nutcracking was simply retaliation for Jerramy Stevens' prior act of the same kind.
We all (those of us who are male, that is) feel kicked in the groin after this game, twice.
Is it time to hang Walsh high from the nearest oak tree? How can anyone explain running the ball a scant 11 times while passing 45 in the wind and rain without resorting to mental illness as an alibi?
Will the Raiders ever run the ball with authority again?
Will Randy Moss remember how to catch a pass?
Will Ronald Curry ever play possession receiver?
Will the O-line ever be more than a wet cardboard piñata?
Will LaMont Jordan ever discover that blocking is actually part of his job description?
Will Andrew Walters ever find a check down receiver or master the snap exchange or take less than a seven-step drop? Or will he be disabled from the pounding before we find out the answer to that question?
Will a TE ever become involved in the offense? Oh yeah, forgot. They do throw to Chad Slaughter once in a while…
I dunno the answer to these questions, true believers.
I do know the bottom line is the current Raider offense is the worst in the NFL in just about every conceivable category for a reason.
Is the reason for this impotence Walsh's playcalling... or is the players' lack of execution responsible for this mess?
The answer is "yes".
A sticky thanks to The Preacher for the visual evidence. Here's hoping Al Davis pays Brayton's fine.
Stick'em: A ton of questions that need to be answered sooner rather than later. The Brayton retaliation was justified and another reason among many to be proud of our Dogs of War on D. Of course the BSPN crew got the Brayton incident all wrong and were pulling a Joe Buck, singing bloody murder, that the Raiders are a classless organization. It's too bad the real LT to drop by the booth and snap Joey Sunshines other leg in half.
LOL! Joey Theeseman cracks me up... bozo changed the pronunciation of his name his senior year at Notre Dame so it would sound like Heisman with a "T" hoping it would make his chances better... he didn't win, BTW.
A guy named Plunkett from Stanford did... then Jim proceed to beat down Joey in the SB... so we see where Joey's resentment of the Raiders comes from.
Verily, there have been only two times I have cheered a serious injury to a football player. One was Michael Irvin's neck… and the other was Joey Theesman's leg.
And BSPN has both the chuckleheads on their network... hard to watch.
Joey Sunshine or as my brother likes to call him "Captain Obvious" or "Sergeant No Shit" is paid to be the "analyst". More times than not, he either is wrong in his analysis, states the obvious, or brings the commentary back to his playing days. It got to the point on MNF that my brother and I put the sound on mute because we just couldn't take it anymore.
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